Urban Stormwater Management
at Henricopolis Soil & Water Conservation District
Our Mission is To educate and guide Henrico citizens in the sustainable use of our natural resources.
Goal: Reduce Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater runoff is precipitation (rain or snowmelt) that flows across the land. Stormwater may infiltrate into soil, discharge directly into streams, water bodies, or drain inlets, or evaporate back into the atmosphere.
In the natural environment, most precipitation is absorbed by trees and plants or permeates into the ground, which results in stable stream flows and good water quality.
In urban areas with impervious surfaces, rain that falls on a roof, driveway, patio or lawn runs off the surface more rapidly, picking up pollutants and then flows into storm drains that discharge into the closest stream, ultimately making it's way to the Chesapeake Bay.
How To Reduce the Impacts of Stormwater Runoff:
The Virginia Conservation Assistance Program is an urban cost-share program that provides financial incentives and technical and educational assistance to property owners installing eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Virginia’s participating Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Improved Our Community
"We most likely would not have done the project without the grant; it was inspirational to us and it inspired us to do future projects with or without funding to continue erosion control efforts."
Conservation Landscaping
Would recommend to other organizations
"We knew about the maintenance requirement going in and committed to that and being good stewards. A mission of ours to take care of the environment."
We were able to do the work ourselves which was a really great option instead of having to get a contractor
"I'm happy that my VCAP project has taken off and can handle all the rainwater we receive and provides a nice screen and food for birds and pollinators."
Rain Garden and Rainwater Harvesting